
School Uniform

School uniform plays a vital role in promoting the ethos of a school, providing a sense of belonging and identity and setting an appropriate tone for education.  By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform acts as a social leveller.

The “Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021” states that all stipulated school uniform items must be affordable for all and any branded items, purchased through uniform suppliers, offer value for money.  This statutory guidance came into effect in September 2022. 

The Aspire Uniform Policy, formed in part by parent/pupil voice, ensures each individual uniform offering across the trust is in line with this legislation and helps maintain the balance between affordability and upholding of school ethos and identity.

School Uniform and PE Kit

We are very proud of our school uniform. Featuring the Breakwater and Barrel Rock logo, it was designed with our pupils and symbolises our united pride of being part of the Bude community being Ready, Respectful and Safe - Together.

 School Uniform Expectation

  • White Polo shirt – with or without the school logo
  • Grey trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts - no leggings or jogging bottoms
  • Turquoise school jumper or cardigan – with or without the school logo
  • Y6 Turquoise leavers hooded tops
  • Tights/socks – black, grey or white (non-branded)
  • Shoes – black school shoes – no boots, heels or open toe

PE Kit Expectation

We would like the children to continue to wear their PE kit in school on their PE days.

  • Turquoise PE T-shirt – with or without the school logo
  • Black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms
  • Black trainers/plimsolls
  • Turquoise school jumper or cardigan – with or without the school logo

If you need support with purchasing school uniform, please see Nikki in the office or Emma Thomas our parent support worker.

Purchasing of School Uniform

We do not expect pupils to only wear uniform with a logo on it. Please feel free to purchase white polo tops for example from other uniform providers. 
Please visit our online shop, via the link below, to purchase items of school uniform. Delivery charges will apply. Once ordered your uniform will be delivered to your home address within 7 - 10 days.
We do have some second hand school uniform in school. Please ask at the office.

Bude Primary Academy - Juniors
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